RMM Update: Money Received & COVID-19

Happy Spring!  It may not yet be here, but it feels like it is trying.  I think we are all ready!

Since we have so much more screen time these days given the “stay home” orders and the need to practice social distancing, I thought I’d provide a bit of an update from our brothers in Bulgaria.

For the past six months, we, Rhodope Mountain Mission, have been providing our Bulgarian pastors with $600/month.  As I’ve mentioned before, with the exchange rate and the lesser cost of living, that amount provides about $1,500.00 of real world value to Hari, Dancho, and Theodoro.  For the work to be done in the villages at Christmas, we provided an additional gift of $1,000.00.  Hari provided the following accounting and information regarding the Christmas work and ministry:


“After wire transfer, bank, and tax fees, we received from you the total sum of $928.83 with an exchange rate of 1.72 BG leva to 1.0 US.  We had $1,597.00 BG leva.

We used the money as follows:

$300.00 each to the families of Hari, Dancho, and Theodore for Christmas ministry related expenses;

$550.20 to purchase 4 floating tables for the teaching process (3 tables for Theo’s church and one for Hari’s);

$147.39 toward expenses of publishing the book, “Basics of the Christian Faith” in Bulgarian.

We are very thankful again to God for your support and ministry.”


We will soon be posting new pictures on the website.  The pictures will illustrate the Christmas gift related ministry that our Bulgarian brothers are able to provide to the area residents; children and adults.

Just yesterday, I received additional information from Hari.  We provided the monthly RMM gift and he wrote to me about the present ministry work and the Covid complications:


"Thank you, dear Jonathan, just on time.   Yesterday we talked with brother Teodoro about the virus situation. He told me that because it, his wife Mariana was fired from her job; he is freelancing as an electrician.  Our situation about our jobs is similar, but God's work has not stopped.

For the last two Sundays ago we have provided our people with online services.  Already we organized online Communion, the Lord's Supper, for the people in Kardjali and some area villages. 

Everyone prepared, the bread and the vine, for his family.  We joined with them by messenger on Facebook, or by phone, and we took communion together.  We shared the word of God.  In this case Exidos 12, and 1 Korintian 11.  Everyone also invited all his family to join and to come to Jesus.  We pray that we are able to provide communion in all existing groups who are ready!

For now, about 60 people took Lord's Supper, some of them for first time.

Also, during the week we started online Bible teaching from our home by Facebook. A new online group has about 80 people. We see new people are coming to Jesus.

Please pray for us, for strength, so that we do not get sick, so we are able to continue, and for protection of the people.

Also, we are moving forward with the architect on the building for the missionary training center.  We do the best we can.  Thank you again.  You are all a great help in this situation.

Many blessings and love!”


Thank you for partnering with us as we partner with our Bulgarian brothers and sisters.  You contributions are invaluable.  They are both an encouragement and an investment in the family of God — those already within the family and those who will be brought in.  

For further updates, information, and opportunities to give financially, please visit www.Rhodopemm.com.

Thank you.
