Rhodope Mountain Missions, Ltd was organized to provide financial, teaching, training, personnel, and Biblically-edifying support services, finances, encouragement, and partners to local, native Bulgarian pastors ministering to the various people groups of the Rhodope Mountains.
Our Mission
For a number of years, Jeff Frederick and Jonathan Feavel have partnered with Southern Bulgarian pastors to reach the Muslim people groups of the Rhodope Mountains and the Roma (Gypsies) population of central Bulgaria. Rhodope Mountain Missions, Ltd seeks to continue this mission of encouragement, training, teaching, financial support, and brotherhood to the Bulgarian native pastors with whom relationships have been created and maintained.
We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers.
1 Thessalonians 1:2
“God is doing everything. We are just his assistants. He is not looking for great genius, but for people who are faithful to Him.”
needs of the bulgarian pastors
Pray for boldness for the pastors to continue to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus.
Spiritual education and Biblical training for local pastors, deacons, & new believers.
Spiritual growth and discipleship for a new and younger generation of Bulgarian believers.
Favor with the local Islamic & Turkish officials for continued ministry in local schools and villages.
Funds for basic travel, fuel, and transportation to and from various villages and churches.
Funds for the pastors to cover actual ministry expenses without the need to use money otherwise earned to support their families.
Funds for art supplies for art camps and other supplies for outreaches.
Funds for Christmas gift boxes to provide for Bulgarians who are in need of basic supplies (i.e. soap, shampoo, toothpaste, etc.)